Thursday, May 2, 2024

I kid you not


You can find it at Amazon, $14.99. I went through the blog and picked and polished what seemed the better posts. A lot of useless old political stuff ended up on the cutting room floor where it belongs. 

Saturday, August 7, 2021

AGAIN with the Pond's cold cream saga

 Apologies to those who took the trouble to comment over the last two years (!). Just looked at them now. But thank you. 

My Pond's cold cream saga

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Again with all the page views! (It's the Pond's article, I know)

Wow, friends, thanks again for all those page views which are still huge for me. And comments! Four, dating from as long ago as last May! I am sorry I have neglected them.

I now use just a bit of fresh lemon juice and a bit of olive oil, mixed in the palm of my hand, to cleanse my skin at night. I towel it off with a wet cloth.

Amazing and humbling that this is the most successful thing I have ever written. My gentleman friend points out: "People can relate to it ...."

The backyard of the house where I grew up with Pond's cold cream

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Wow, people, thanks for all the page views (which are huge for me)

Updated July, 2016. And come visit me at Pluot, where I have decided to do my part in re-booting Western civilization from the ground up. 

Well, who knew that I get 1,100 people coming here every month? Perhaps it's all just search engine "dings" -- does that still happen? -- or perhaps it's people who come for ten seconds and leave because they're disappointed. I used to have a terrible "bounce rate" when I kept track of such things.

Anyway I return too, just now, because I noticed another comment on my Pond's cold cream saga and I had to take care of it. Then I took a look around, noticed my page views, and thought I should give everyone a wave hello, and maybe alert you to my movements. 

I've finished my novel/memoir, after three years of work (plus my day job). I'm rather proud of it, even beyond the fact that it's my second. (You have access to Pearls and Roses, which I uploaded here after its I think fortieth rejection. Do all those rejections mean my writing stinks? One thinks not.)

Oddly enough I did have one person, a sales rep at my job where I am a wine buyer, very excited to read this, which is why after I printed it out, I brought it to the local FedEx office along with some pretty arts-and-crafts papers to serve as the cover, and had it bound for $5.72. Considering the price of paper and ink, the book you see pictured above cost about $30 to produce; if I wanted to make a respectable retail profit of 30% I should have charged my one reader/friend exactly $42.99 for it. But, she was so very insistent and I was so flattered that I gave just this one away. Besides, at least now there is another copy in the world, in case God forbid there is a flood (I don't say fire) in my house.

So that, dear ones, is where I have been and what I have been doing for a good part of my time, while I relinquished this blog and decided to concentrate all my writing at the food-wine-and-life blog At First Glass, which then crashed in January 2014 when I could not renew my domain name through Google. I think the problem was it required a smart phone and an app to renew, and I don't have either. So you can still find me at Pluot, rebooted and still eating, drinking, and living. Since I have finished my second book, above -- it's called Now Comes the Petitioner: the Story of an Internet Divorce -- I have confessed to my readers there that they must endure a bit more relaxed, unpolished stuff for a while, while I just sort of write what I feel like without all sorts of proofing and correcting. So I suppose I must warn you the same. Expect and pardon, please, the tag "unpolished."

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

In case you're wondering --

-- where I am, chances are it's here. Do drop by,  and have a pisco sour maybe.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The last rose of summer, really

I bought the rose bush at a grocery store one spring, perhaps seven or eight years ago. I planted it and then it bloomed once, also in a far away October. Perhaps this new bloom is a good sign. The colors of pale rich yellow and palest pink are gorgeous; the scent, a bit like lemon pie and a bit like lemon air freshener, is also very good. Happy autumn.

Sunday, October 9, 2011
